Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Project 3

For this project I used the SimSynth channel and the chopping tool to create my melody. In pattern one I used the pattern I had chopped for me, and put an automation clip on the Cutoff setting. I like the clip so much that I decided to experiment with other automation clips as well. I put an automation clip on the envelope setting for patterns one and two. On pattern three I used a clip on the master volume to fade out on the major triad chord at the end. On the melody, I decided that sticking with one basic pattern would better suite the song. So on pattern two, I made the melody rise up an octave. In pattern three, I dropped back to the original pitch and ascended up the Major scale. Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Your project is really creative and it flowed together really well. Your post is also really descriptive but don't forget to include a style you were going for and how that influenced your choices in instruments and sounds.
